The Next Generation of LED Lighting!
• Go GREEN and Drastically Reduce Your Power Bill.
Our LED Tubes and High Bay Lights use 50% less power consumption and are twice as bright as the competition.
Let us calculate your savings today!
• Substantially Increase Workplace Productivity.
No more eye strain! No more exposure to low grade UV radiation! Enjoy true color temperatures (93+ CRI) without the
‘green’ and the ‘flicker’ effects of fluorescent known to cause mental and physical stress. Your clients and work
force will thank you!
• Experience The Difference of True Color For Years To Come.
You will SEE the difference immediately! Your merchandise will display its true colors. Your office or warehouse
will no longer have a sickly, green tint. See the difference in quality of our shockproof, patented bulb and rest
assured with a 3-year warranty on all orders. Our bulb life is 75K – 100K hours.
• Keep Your Existing Fixtures! Easy Installation!
Fluorescent fixture ballasts (the main power consumption culprits) safely disconnect in minutes, making our LED
technology immediately available to you! Our tube’s power supply and heat sink is “on-board”, reducing heat
emissions drastically and adding to your overall savings!
• Hollywood has relied on us since 1926!
Our Mac Tech LED™ product line allows lighting professionals around the world to light their sets for feature film
& television beautifully and efficiently. Let Our Experience Work for You!
Affordable • Brighter • Dimmable • Energy / Cost Efficient • Flicker-Free • Noise-Free • Long-lasting • 100% Recyclable
Available Models: Warm White - 3700 Kelvin & Cool White - 4300 Kelvin. Daylight & Tungsten are available by special order only.
All our products are repairable (if ever necessary) in Sun Valley, CA... just behind Burbank Airport.